Woodchuck Caddisflies
My Favorite Flies


 Below are FOUR caddisfly recipes.  In each case, woodchuck fur (underfur, guardhair, or both) is one of the ingredients.



 wc and elk-100-1.jpg

 vermont-style caddis-100.jpg

Chuck Caddis #1

 Chuck Caddis #2

 WC and Elk

 Vermont Caddis


Chuck Caddis #1


Eric Leiser is credited with having popularized this pattern.  Articles he has written make it clear that he was a great fan of woodchuck as a tying material.

Hook: Photo shows size 14 Tiemco 100.
Thread: Color and size to suite.  Photo shows Danville 6/0.
Body: Dubbing, applied thinly.
Wing: Woodchuck fur guard-hairs.
Hackle/Legs: Dry fly hackle to match the hatch.  Photo shows about 12 wraps of cree colored rooster saddle hackle.


Chuck Caddis #2


Woodchuck underfur is a beautiful golden tan.  It makes an excellent downwing, but you will need to treat it with flotant.

Hook: Photo shows size 14 Tiemco 100.
Thread: Color and size to suite.  Photo shows Danville 6/0.
Body: Bare thread or thin dubbing.
Wing: Clump of woodchuck underfur. (Remove the guardhair from the fur to leave just the underfur for this downwing.  Don't worry about a few stray guardhairs.)Hackle/Legs: Dry fly hackle to match the hatch.  Photo shows cree-colored rooster saddle hackle.

WC and Elk

wc and elk-250-2.jpg

Hook: Photo shows size 14 Tiemco 100.
Thread: Color and size to suite.  Photo shows Danville 6/0.
Body: Bare thread or thin dubbing.
Wing: Woodchuck (WC) underfur.
Hackle/Legs/Head: Clump of elk or deer hair, butts tied down behind the eye and clipped to form the head.


Vermont Caddis

vermont-style caddis-250.jpg

Hook: Photo shows size 14 Tiemco 100.
Thread: Color and size to suite.  Photo shows Danville 6/0.
Abdomen: Dub the rear half or two-thirds of the hook shank with woodchuck dubbing made from underfur. Directions for making dubbing are in the article Working Wonders With Woodchuck. I used the dubbing-loop technique here.
Dry fly hackle to match the hatch.  Photo shows cree-colored rooster saddle hackle over the front half to one-third of the hook shank.



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