Mud Hopper

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Tied by Carl DeFazio, Romney W. Virginia

 Photo by Peter Frailey

Tying Sequence:

Hook: 2xl TMC 5263, sizes 6-10
Thread: Uni 6/0 gray
Tail: Golden Pheasant Breast (red) with a small tuft of orange Uni-stretch on top
Body: Uni-stretch (orange)
Hackle: Brown, tied in by tip
Wing: Deer body hair stacked and tied on top.  No spinning.  Head trimmed sparse

Pattern Design: 

According to Carl this was originally designed by Jean-Guy Cote, a commercial tier from Quebec

From Carl:

The Mud Hopper is one of the best dry flies for fishing smallmouth on my home waters, the South Branch of the Potomac. When they begin hitting "on top", give this productive fly a try. Best fished across and let it drift through the swing. When the water is glassy, give it a twitch every 5-10 foot.



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