Foam and Pheasant Hopper

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Tied by Paul DiNolo, Duxbury, MA

 Photos by Peter Frailey

Tying Sequence:

Hook: Mustad 9672 (3xl), sizes 12 to 8
Thread: Danville 6/0, yellow
Body :
Yellow 1/8" thick foam tied down in segments over 2/3 of shank
Pheasant "church window" feather, coated with Flex-a-ment or Goop thinned with compatible solvent
Deer hair
Deer hair, clipped


Paul likes to prepare a dozen glazed church window feathers at a time, as this is a bit messy and time intensive.   He precuts the foam body blanks by the dozen, too.  He recommends 1/4" x 3/4" blanks.



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